
Glaucoma: Are You At Risk?


Glaucoma is a common eye disease which is often tested for during routine eye examinations with your Optometrist or Specialist. If not detected or treated early, Glaucoma can lead to vision loss or even blindness. It is one of the leading causes of blindness worldwide. Early detection is very important, hence the reason why we advise our patients to attend routine eye examinations yearly to ensure that they are not at risk of the damaging effects of Glaucoma.


Glaucoma affects the optic nerve, the main transmitter between the retina and our brain. When the drainage at the back of the eye becomes poor, too much pressure builds up in conjunction with the excess fluid which over time starts causing irreversible damage.


Glaucoma in its early stages can often be a silent disease, with some of the first symptoms being loss of periphery and difficulty focusing on objects under low level lighting.

Everyone is at risk of developing Glaucoma, however people in a higher risk category are those that;

– Have a family history of Glaucoma

– Have Diabetes

– Are aged 40 and over

– Have sustained a serious eye injury

– Have Hypertension

– Have taken Steroids over an extended period of time


At Optical World our tests for Glaucoma are 100% Bulk Billed through Medicare. We are able to detect this damaging eye condition in its early stages and offer many different methods of treatment and/or prevention. Call us today to arrange an appointment to have your eyes tested by one of our qualified Optometrists.


Check Yearly, See Clearly


Optical World Elsternwick – 343 Glen Huntly Rd, Elsternwick VIC 3185

(03) 9532 8033


Optical World Ashburton – 214 High St, Ashburton VIC 3147

(03) 9885 6257




05 Sep, 2016



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